Who are we?

Miranda Anderson

As an artist I can help you to create your own work in various art workshops. Attention, to my mind, is the most important ingredient. It allows people to grow and create artwork. This is also an important aspect of the energy treatments that you can book with me. Attention relaxes, you feel noticed. As a human counsellor in personal development I have extensive experience in helping people.

Miranda Anderson (2012 Santiago de Compostella)

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ENJOY not in moderation but fully and admire and take care of everything surrounding you. This is important in life for me. I provide tasty, healthy and responsible eating at Lloc d’oci. Attention to you and the beautiful nature around us. From my experience with theatre methods and family constellations I can teach you a lot about taking and giving space and lovingly guarding your own space.

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Ad Dokman (2012 San Sebastian)